On Monday, Piper and I had a lesson with Wendy. We got a brown bag lunch and had a picnic in the Topiary Garden downtown before starting. It was wonderful. Piper didn't beg or try to steal food either. It must have been because Wendy was there. She was on her best behavior.
Piper enjoyed herself and didn't seem nervous at all. She was hot though, as evidenced by her tongue and panting. But she was very solid on her sit-stays, giving the perfect opportunities for photos. I took a ton, but the one of Piper was the best one. The other one is of some of the topiaries in the garden. The photos don't do it justice. It is a very beautiful park.
Piper's attention is coming along and Wendy says once she masters that, the heeling will follow. She walks well on the leash, but she could be better. At least you could tell that I had worked on her social skills, she was not stressed at all. I think she is beginning to enjoy her adventures.