Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Here is a photo of the chicken I knitted for my mom for Mother'sDay. Yes, it is knitted and it didn't take that long. Only about two weeks. There were lots of little parts, but all were easy. It was a hit!

Piper is about to finish her first round of obedience classes and I am very sad about it coming to an end. I hope Belinda will offer more classes this summer. I will take any class she offers. Anything to get Piper out there and socialized. And any class that will build her confidence and improve her shyness.

1 comment:

Steg56 said...

kqnhqlstThe Chicken REALLY was a HIT! Do you suppose it will ever try to "Cross the road!"? LOL Very realistic, if you're not really a chicken enthusiast.

Piper enjoying the snow